My first PHP file |
In our fisrt step to learn PHP scripting languaje we will modify a regular HTML page and we will add to it PHP commads.
Bellow we will find a regular HTML page:
mypage.html |
<html> <head> <title>This is my page</title> </head> <body> This is the content of my page. </body> </html> |
To create a PHP page using the page above as our model, the first important action is to rename our file. In our case we will name the file "mypage.php". When a file with ".php" extension is placed in the server and the corresponding url is visited, the server will process the file before sending it to the client, so that all PHP commands will be processed. We may just change the name of our file as propoused and save it to our server (without any additional changes), and when visiting the corresponding URL the result will be exactly the same (because there is nothing to be processed in the page) .
To this renamed page ("mypage.php") we will add a small PHP command within <?php opening tag and ?> closing tag.
mypage.php |
<html> <head> <title>This is my page</title> </head> <body> This is the content of my page. <?php print "Do you like it?"; ?> </body> </html> |
When visiting the page, the server will process the page to execute all PHP commands in the page, which will be located within <?php opening tag and ?> closing tags. In our case "print" command will write to the resulting page the text contained between brakets ("Do you like it?"). Often, instead of print command, echo command is used to output string. At the end of the line we will add ";" (otherway we will get an error). We may use "echo" command instead of "print", and the result will be identical.
We may also include all the php commands in one line by placing the code bellow in our page.
<?php print "Do
you like it?"; ?>
Between opening and closing tags we may include several lines with executable commands as shown bellow (we must write ";" at the end of each line):
mypage.php |
<html> <head> <title>This is my page</title> </head> <body> This is the content of my page. <?php print "Do you like it?"; print "<br>"; print "<b>If not, please visit a different page.</b>"; print "<br>"; print "<h1>Goodbay</h1>"; ?> </body> </html> |
Additionaly we may add several opening and closing tags within our page with executable commands.
mypage.php |
<html> <head> <title>This is my page</title> </head> <body <?php print "bgcolor=#FFFFFF"; ?>> <?php print "Hello!<br>"; ?> This is the content of my page. <?php print "Do you like it?"; print "<br>"; print "<b>If not, please visit a different page.</b>"; print "<br>"; print "<h1>Goodbay</h1>"; ?> </body> </html> |
As sown in the example above we may add PHP scripts within HTML tags.
Concatenation of strings
Check the codes bellow:
Code 1 |
<?php print "Hello!<br>"; print "I am Joe"; ?> |
Code 2 |
<?php print "Hello!<br>"."I am Joe"; ?> |
The pages containing any of the codes above will be exactly the same. We have just put both lines in one, and to do that we have use a point between the two texts we want to show in our pages. The point used in Code 2 will concatenated both strings.
Writing some special characters
Check the codes bellow:
The code |
The output |
Use "\n" to add a line break <pre> <?php print "AA\nBB\nCC\nDD\nEE"; ?> </pre> |
Use "\n" to add a line break
AA |
Use "\"" to add brakets<br> <?php print "He said \"Hello\" to John"; ?> |
Use "\"" to add brakets He said "Hello" to John |
Using variables: first step
With PHP we may also use variables. The variables used in PHP will always start with "$", as for example $i, $a, $mydata, $my_name etc. There are some words which we are not allow to use as a name for a variable, but as we probably do not know which ones are they, our best decission will be to use very descriptive variable names:
$my_favorite_song $my_counter $username etc |
In the example bellow we have write a PHP page using some variables:
mypage.php |
<?php $my_name="Joe"; $my_hello_text="Hello everybody!"; $year_create=2002; ?> <html> <head> <title>This is <?php print $my_name; ?>´spage</title> </head> <body> <?php print $my_hello_text; ?> This page was written in <?php print $year_create; ?>. </body> </html> |
In this example, we have defined three variables (line 2, 3 and 4) and we have included the information in the variable latter within the HTML code.
Check those variables carefully: $my_name, $my_hello_text and $year_create has not been defined in advance (we have add a value to the variables the first time they have used them in the file, without letting know the program we will used it in advance), and the values do not contain the same kind of content:
$my_name, $my_hello_text
are strings $year_create is a number |
We may also use variables in the following ways:
The code |
The output |
<?php $year_create=2002; print "This page was written in ".$year_create; ?> |
This page was written in 2002 |
<?php $year_create=2002; print "This page was written in $year_create"; ?> |
This page was written in 2002 |
<?php $the_text="This page was written in "; $year_create=2002; print $the_text.$year_create; ?> |
This page was written in 2002 |
<?php $the_text="This page was written in "; $year_create=2002; print "$the_text$year_create"; ?> |
This page was written in 2002 |
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