PHP tutorial: Using arrays |
Working with Arrays
Selecting values from a array
Creating a table from data in a string
Simple keyword search
Instead of having our information (variables or numbers) in
like $Mydata1, $Mydata2, $Mydata3 etc, by using arrays our information
may be contained in an unique variable. Very often, we will create an
array from data obtained from a table
with only one column.
Let´s check an example:
array.php | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
<html> <title>My Array</title> <body> <?php print $MyData [5]; </body> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 |
Original table for the array in the script
In the response page we will print the value assigned to $MyData [5] in
the array. The response page will return 5. |
An array may be created from a two dimensional table. Let´s check an example:
array2.php | |||||||||||||||||
<html> <title>My Array</title> <body> <?php print $MyData
[1][2]; </body> |
We may consider the table bellow as the source
information to create an array named $Mydata.
Lines 6-14. Values have assigned to the array. Line 16. In the response page we will send the value
to $MyData [1][2] in the array. The first number will be
the row and the
one the column, so that in our case the response page will show the
"6" |
It is also possible to define an array with more dimensions as for example $MyData [5][5][5][5][5].
In the examples above we have defined all the values within the
one by one, but this assignation may be done in a different way, as it
is described in the example bellow:
array3a.php | Resulting page |
<pre> <? $Thearray= array ("Zero","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine") ?> Thearray[0]: <? print $Thearray[0]; ?> </pre> |
Thearray(0): Zero Thearray(1): pne Thearray(2): two Thearray(3): three Thearray(4): four Thearray(5): five Thearray(6): six Thearray(7): seven Thearray(8): eight Thearray(9): nine
In this example the array has been defined as comma separated
element (the first element in the array is element 0 !). The array command has been used to define the array.
We may want to generate an array from a data in a text. In the
example bellow, each word in a text will be stored in an array (one
word in each element of the array), and them the array will be printed
out (with command print_r), and finally word
number 5 will be shown:
array3b.php | Resulting page |
<pre> <? $TheText="zero one two three four five six seven eight nine"; $Thearray=split (" ",$TheText) ; print_r ($Thearray); ?> <hr> |
Array |
In this example we have defined the variable $TheText, and whithin this variable we have include several words separated by spaces.
In the next line, we have splitted the variable $TheText into
array named $Thearray.
Split command have been used to brake $TheText
and " "
(space) has been used as a delimiter to separate the substrings.
In the response page we have printed the array by using command print_r, and element number 5 has been printed
It may happend to have a string we want to split, but we do not
how many substrings we may get. In that case we may use command sizeof
to discover how many elements are in our array, and them we may use
value to write them by using a foreach control
structure (see example below).
array4.php | Resulting page |
<? $TheText="my dog is very nice and my cat is barking"; $Thearray=split (" ",$TheText) ; ?> How many words do I have in $TheArray? <? </pre> |
How many words do I have in $TheArray? |
In the next example we will count number of element in the array
containing the word "o". Two methods will be used
array5.php | Resulting page |
<pre> <? $MyArray [0] = "Zero"; $MyArray [1] = "One"; $MyArray [2] = "Two"; $MyArray [3] = "Three"; $MyArray [4] = "Four"; $MyArray [5] = "Five"; $MyArray [6] = "Six"; $MyArray [7] = "Seven"; $MyArray [8] = "Eight"; $MyArray [9] = "Nine"; ?> <b>Method 1</b>: Number of strings containing "o" (case sensitive) <? $counter=0; foreach ($MyArray as $key =>$val){ if (substr_count ($val,"o")>0){$counter++;} } print $counter; ?> Number of strings containing "o" (case insensitive) <? $counter=0; foreach ($MyArray as $key =>$val){ if (substr_count ($val,"o")>0 or substr_count($val,"O")>0){$counter++;} } print $counter; ?> <b>Method 2</b>: Number of strings containing "o" (case sensitive) <? $MyNewArray=preg_grep ("/(o)/",$MyArray); print sizeof($MyNewArray); ?> Find strings containing "o" (case insensitive) <? $MyNewArray=preg_grep ("/(o|O)/",$MyArray); print sizeof($MyNewArray); ?> </pre> |
Method 1: |
In the first method, we check all elements in the array (by using foreach control structure), and in each element
we will count number of times the letter "o" is present ( by using
command substr_count and a variable named
$counter). At the end of the process $counter is printed out.
In the second method a new array is created from $MyArray by
using a preg_grep command. This command will
extract to the new array ($MyNewArray) the elements contained in array
the original array by using a pattern. Learning about pattern
syntax is very important for mediu and advances programers. Here,
we just want to let the visitor know this concept. The second method
will print the size of the newly created array, which is the number of
elements containing the letter "o" within array $MyArray.
In order to undertand this script we will consider we have a table
the one bellow, and that this table was the original source of
we used to create our table:
From the table we got this three lines by separeting the
by commas:
Peter,student,Chicago,123 And finaly we conected the three lines by separeting the values with "/": Peter,student,Chicago,123/John,teacher,London,234/Sue,Manager,Sidney,789 |
The string obtained was saved to a variable named $Mydata in the
bellow. The resulting page will show a table similar to the original
script is not limited by number of rows or columns (the maximun amount
of then is calculate each time we run the script), so we may change
information stored in variable $Mydata, and a table with correct
dimensions will be created.
Createatable.php |
<? $Mydata="Peter,student,Chicago,123/John,teacher,London,234/Sue,Manager,Sidney,789"; Createtable($Mydata); function CreateTable($Mydata){ $MyRows=split ("/", $Mydata); $NumberRows=sizeof($MyRows); print "<table border=1>"; // start printing out the table // data contained in each element at array $myRows // is printed to one line of the table foreach ($MyRows as $row){ $datainrow=split (",", $row); print "<tr>"; // start printing a row foreach ($datainrow as $val){ print "<td>$val</td>"; // print data in the row } print "</tr>"; // end printing the row } print "</table>"; // end printing out the table } ?> |
This script may be used for several porpouses: we may generate $Mydata by filtering values from an array as shown bellow:
<?This code in combination with Createtable() function in the previus example will display only the clients from Chicago. The $query variable may be obtained from a form.
$Myclients [0]="Peter Smith,Chicago,Manager,123";
$Myclients [1]="John Smith,New York,Accountant,124";
$Myclients [2]="George Smith,Chicago,Administration,245";
$Myclients [3]="Sam Smith,Dallas,Consultant,567";
foreach ($Myclients as $val){
if (substr_count ($val,$query)>0){$Mydata.=$val."/";}
In this example, in our first visit a form asking for a keyword will be display. After submitting the keyword Redirect() function will be activated.
In function Redirect we have create an array named $Websites. This array contains the url
of websites and a its short description. In case
the query string is included in
the description of the site, the visitor will be redirected to the
search.php |
<? if ($_POST){ // check whether info has been posted $query=$_POST["query"]; Redirect($query); }else{ // if no info has been posted, print the form print "<form method=post action=search.php>"; print "<input type=text name=query>"; print "<input type=Submit value=Search>"; print "</form>"; } function Redirect($query){ // Array containing containing URLs and descriptions $Websites [0]["url"] = ""; $Websites [0]["description"] = "Main page of"; $Websites [1]["url"] = ""; $Websites [1]["description"] = "Contact form script"; $Websites [2]["url"] = ""; $Websites [2]["description"] = "Simple hit counter script"; $Websites [3]["url"] = ""; $Websites [3]["description"] = "Free script and databse for country identification based on IP address"; // find query string within description of websites foreach ($Website as $key=> $val){ if (substr_count($Website [$key]["description"],$query)>0){ //next line will redirect the user to the corresponding url header ("Location: ".$Website [$key]["url"]); exit; } } } ?> |
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