PHP: random numbers and random
selection of text |
Random selection of number
From a range
From a serie of numbers
Randon selection of text: links
Generate a random password
numbers I A randon selection within a range |
We will obtain a random number between a minimum and a maximum value.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
<?php $min = 10000; $max = 99999; $number = mt_rand($min, $max); print $number; ?> |
Lines 3
and 4: the minimum and the maximum are set up.
Line 6:
the random number is selected by using mt_rand () command .
Alternatively, rand ()
command may be used, but mt_rand
() command is superior.
The random
number is stored in variable $number.
Line 8: $number is outputted.
numbers II A randon selection of a number from a serie of numbers. |
We will select one number from an array which contains several
numbers (independent numbers, not related).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
<?php $the_numbers = array(5,22,31,45,52,66,78); shuffle ($the_numbers); ?> |
Line 2:
the number (options) for our selection are included in an array.
Line 5:
The order of the elements contained in the array are randomly mixed, so a new order is
Line 7:
The first number will be outputted (the randomly selected one).
selection of text |
The links will be contained into an array, and one of them will be selected.
Option 1: | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
<? $text[0]="<a href=link1.html>link 1</a>"; $text[1]="<a href=link2.html>link 2</a>"; $text[2]="<a href=link3.html>link 3</a>"; $text[3]="<a href=link4.html>link 4</a>"; $text[4]="<a href=link5.html>link 5</a>"; $text[5]="<a href=link6.html>link 6</a>"; $n=sizeof($text)-1; $number = mt_rand (0, $n ); print $text[$number]; ?> |
Lines 3 to 8: an array is defined, where each value of the array is text.
Line 10: number of elements in the
array are obtained.
Line 12:
a random number between 0 and number of texts is selected
Line 14: By using the selected number, the corresponding text is outputted. .
Option 2: | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
<? $text[0]="<a href=link1.html>link 1</a>"; $text[1]="<a href=link2.html>link 2</a>"; $text[2]="<a href=link3.html>link 3</a>"; $text[3]="<a href=link4.html>link 4</a>"; $text[4]="<a href=link5.html>link 5</a>"; $text[5]="<a href=link6.html>link 6</a>"; shuffle ($text); print $text[0]; ?> |
Lines 3 to 8: an array is defined, where each value of the array is text.
Line 10: The order of the elements contained in the array $text are randomly mixed, so a new order is obtained.
Line 12: The first text is outputted (being the first is a randon selection).
Generate a
random password |
The basic idea is very simple:
- a string variable contains all the posible characters we may use to obtain the random password/text.
- a number between 0 and the length of the string
will be randomly selected. The number is used to select one character
from the string.
- the process is repeated as many times as the length of the
password we want to obtain.
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<?php $passwordlength=10; $str = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ"; $max = strlen($str)-1; $password=""; for ($i=0; $i<$passwordlength; $i++){ $number = mt_rand(0,$max); $password.= substr($str,$number,1); } print $password; ?> |
Line 3:
The length of the password is defined (a 10 characters length password
in this example)
Line 5:
$str is the variable containing all the characters allowed in the
Line 6:
$max is basically the length of $str (1 is substracted to avoid
problems latter).
Line 8: the
variable $password is set up.
9-12: The password weill be selected in those lines. The cicle
is repited up to the maximum length of the password.
Line 10: a
random number is selected between o and thye length of %str.
Line 11: one
character from variable $str is selected by using command substr() and
added to variable $password.
Line 14: The password is outputted.
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